The “Birth” of the Shy Girl’s Guide to Pregnancy & Parenting

Once upon a time a shy girl—and I mean shy like I can practically count the number of people who have seen me naked on one hand, and most of them are doctors—saw a beautiful blue line on a pregnancy test. It was New Year’s Day 2008, and she and the hubs were delighted (and okay, a little scared) by the glorious little life that would soon flip theirs upside down in every conceivable (no pun intended) and beautiful way.

Little did they know how wacky the world of pregnancy could be…

Shockingly, that shy girl is me—and eleven months later I’m proud to say I’ve made it through pregnancy and the first two months of parenting, but not without a little trauma to my once-super-shy sensibilities. So now I want to share what I’ve learned with you in the hopes of sparing you the smacked upside the head shocks I got along the way.

I thought I knew what to expect until I was actually expecting–my very first ultrasound at a mere five weeks was probably the first wakeup call that there was going to be a lot of weirdness going on. And then parenting came along, and guess what? It brought with it a whole new set of challenges for us shy (and not-so-shy) mamas.

So stick with me for insights into everything you need to know—but no one ever told you—about pregnancy, parenting, and just being a girl. Welcome to the Shy Girl’s Guide to Pregnancy and Parenting!

Lots of love,


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