Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Voting

I’m so excited about the enthusiasm voters have this year–election day has never been so exciting for me! I voted absentee last week, but my hubby went out to vote early this morning and I’ve been trying to keep from avidly watching the reports on CNN since so many people haven’t even voted yet!

Get out and VOTE!

Get out and VOTE!

Speaking of voting, do your kiddos understand what’s going on? My little bun is still way too young, but I’m getting excited to teach her about our privilege to vote when she gets bigger. Luckily there are a lot of fun ways to teach your little ones about voting!

The Teddy Bear Elections

Kids respond to pretending–it gets their creative juices flowing and lets them take on the grown-up world at their own pace. That’s why a teddy bear election can be a fun and exciting way to involve your kids in politics!

Let them choose two stuffed animals, and help them create platforms that speak to them (more picnics? later bedtimes? less broccoli). They can make posters, have a teddy bear debate–take it as far as you want, and let them involve their friends!

At the end of your “campaign” why not let all their stuffed animals vote? Your little one can tally them up and make the big announcement!

Schoolhouse Rock ROCKS for Mamas with No Time!

Remember those catchy little Schoolhouse Rock songs about grammar, numbers, and American government that came on between Saturday morning cartoons? They’re probably the only way I could ever remember what a conjunction is–and now they have a DVD focused on teaching about the election through song! So if you can live with hearing How a Bill Becomes a Law sung loudly every night at the dinner table, this is a great way to get your kids to learn and remember about our country, even if you don’t have time to mount a full-scale teddy bear election. 🙂

Take them to the Polls!

There’s nobody your little tike looks up to more than his parents, so lead by example! Take your kids to the polls with you, show him how a voting booth works, and have him explain it to daddy when he gets home from work or grandma on a special phone call. Explaining the process to someone else will help your kiddo soak in the info (plus explaining things to grown ups makes kids feel important, and who doesn’t enjoy a little confidence boost like that?!)

So get out there and vote, mamas!



photo: Stars and Stripes by Dave Hiebert